
Just started to study the Bible

I started to learn the Bible, though I'm not Christian.

I think, in Japan, there are a lot of misunderstandings about the Bible.
Such as it's a book for only Christian..
a book on some miracles Christ caused..

Well, those are true,
but it doesn't mean non-Christian is not allowed to read it.

And about miracles, it was a metaphor..
It is written in the Bible that "All things Jesus said to the crowds in parables;
indeed he said nothing to them without a parables." (Mathew 13:34)

Reading the Bible, I started to believe there existed Jesus Christ.
I imagine he was a very smart people. Smarter than anybody there.
Teaching and preaching around..
And some people don't like Him because,
I know there was some conflicts between Him and the Jews,
but maybe because He was too smart.
Sometimes, people hate smart people because they can't beat them.
Well, that's only my imagination..
I just imagined..

As a juvenile, I was wondering why I was always "me".
I go to bed at night, and wake up in the morning,
and I am still "me".
What if I woke up and found myself a different person..
What if I was dead during sleep..

I learned that human being consists of three things:
flesh, mind and the spirit.

Flesh, that's easy to understand.
Mustle, bone, organ.. things like that.

Well, it might be a little bit harder to understand than flesh,
but it's feeling like joy or pain..
The difference between flesh and mind is flesh is visible while mind is not.

And the spirit.
Well, I guess it's the hardest for Japanese to imagine what it is
because it is invisible and maybe because we don't have its concept..
Usually, it is translated as "霊 (Rei)."
When I hear "Rei," I think of soul, which is usually illustrated like fire floating in the air.
But the spirit is something alive in you, and it doesn't die.
After the death, it goes to the heaven or hell, depending on how you have been
and what you have done in this world.
By learning things, by doing nice things to people,
by growing up not only physically but mentally,
the shape of the spirit gradually get clear.
However, if people regretted something or couldn't give up on something,
the spirit cannot figure out where it should go
and cannot help wander in this world..
That's what I learned..

Listening to the story,
I remembered my grandfather,
though I have only a few memories about him
such as digging up some potatoes at the small farm or ...
Well, maybe that's the only memory I have with him..
When he died, he said he saw some light.
He asked his wife, my grandmother, to open the window
so that the God could take him to heaven..

Maybe there exist heaven..
I hope there is.
I hope my grandfather's there..

Without heaven or hell,
why do people live?
why should people be nice?

Maybe because if you help somebody,
they will help you when you are in a trouble.

What is the God?
Does the God really exist?

I once read that the God is called in a different name depending on people..
Physicist call it "energy."
Christian call it "Jesus Christ."
Jewish call it "YHVH."

I once heard that people were light,
everything was light many many many years ago.
around before or after the big bang happend.

I don't know whether the God exist
or it is just "the light" or "energy."

but I hope there is a place where my spirit goes,
where there is no pain, no regret, no hatred..

"In the beginning was the word,
and the word was with the God,
and the God was God. " (John 1:1)

I keep on considering languages even after the graduation
because I believe there will be an answer to why I live,
why living things (not only human beings but animals, plants.. everything!) live
even though they know they will die.

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